Call Safeside Shredding to schedule shredding services!

Safeside Shredding is a John’s Disposal company that will dispose of all your paper items (other than books and magazines with glue) until they are unrecoverable and meet HIPPA standards. Don’t worry about removing paperclips, staples, and rubber bands – our top-of-the-line shredder cuts right through them. Call us to set up a one-time shredding service or to set up a recurring service schedule.

We provide shredding containers at no cost!

For companies looking for repeat shredding services, we even provide security bins at no charge. Small containers can fit under desks; large containers are available for centralized locations.

Safeside Shredding provides the following Service options:


  • Select from provided bin sizes to securely store your shred material until your scheduled appointment.
  • Set up an appointment for us to bring the shred truck to your company’s location.


  • Pick up a sealable shred bag from our office to hold your documents until you’re ready to set up an appointment to shred them.
  • Set up an appointment to come to our office with your materials and watch them be shredded on sight.

*All material shredded is unrecoverable and meets HIPPA standards.

Shred Bins catalog

SafeSideShredding-info sheets

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